The Cat Lady Review (PC)


  Phenomenal. Mature, modern, original, this is a work of art. And it's not pretentious, pandering "art", either; it's an entertaining game with an appealing, paper cutout aesthetic and a great eclectic soundtrack. It's (depressingly) worth noting that this is, in fact, A GAME. I was weary The Cat Lady would be a walking simulator/barely interactive screensaver with it's head up it's own ass just judging by screenshots and current trends, but no... it can best be described as a 2-D Silent Hill mashed up with a Telltale game with heavier adventure game elements.


   Yes, it is story heavy and can be a slow burn, but the excellent exposition always has a suitable payoff. You are given choices that affect the story and ending, but I was more than happy with the ending I recieved and wouldn't want to ruin it by cheating it and going back to see what the alternatives would have produced. The only minor sorespots I have are some longish stretches of the game where you aren't allowed to pause/save (and you won't want to skip any story, so you're kind of locked in) and one major character's dialouge, Mitzi, sounds extremely tinny. Again, these are minor complaints in a truly fantastic game.


   If you want some surreal psychological horror with depressing (though quite often humorous) social commentary on the isolated modern world, you have to play this.



Fuck yes.
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